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    Entries in BW (7)


    Holga Photo from the China Trip - People's Park in Guangzhou

    I took this photo in Guangzhou, China at the People's Park. We were walking around the outside of the park, looking for the entrance, when I looked down and saw a fitness area where several seniors were exercising. I had only moments to react, as the man in this photo finished his exercise and moved away moments after I tripped my shutter.

    This was taken with a Holga 120N, using Tri-X film.


    Holga Photo from the China Trip - Guangzhou Park Slide

    This photo was taken in Guangzhou, China on Shamian Island in a park. The parks in China are well populated with young and older people and is a place where children play, parents sit and relax and passer-bys stop and eat their lunches. This photo was made with a Holga 120N, with Tri-X.


    Holga Photo from the China Trip - Beijing, Temple of Heaven

    Beijing, China - Temple of Heaven

    On the trip, I uploaded an iPhone camera version of this image. This one was shot with the Holga 120N, on Tri-X, with the wide-angle accessory lens attached. The last couple of days we were in Beijing, we had a snow storm.  While touring the Temple of Heaven, it was snowing pretty heavily, which was cold, but quite beautiful.


    No Parking

    Seattle, 2008

    One of my favorites taken last year.

    Camera: Diana+
    Film: Tri-X 320


    Diana+ Photo - Seattle

    Seattle, 2008

    Seattle, 2008
    This photo was taken in the downtown area of Seattle.
    Camera: Diana+ Film: Tri-X 320 processed in Edwal's FG-7.